52 Week Project – February

Last month I set myself a 52 week photography challenge in order to keep my creative juices flowing. Carrying on from last month, here’s February’s efforts

Week 5

20130203-IMG_8038I wanted to do some ‘product’ photography of my Lego Mercedes Benz Unimog for a blog post on it. Whilst I was relatively happy with this shot I wasn’t with many of them

Week 6

So for the following week I re-shot much of it…

20130210-IMG_8140This time a lot happier with the results. Green rug handily filling the place of grass, some old hard drives to create some terrain, and some cloud backdrop paper I hadn’t got round to using yet… 

Week 7

Pleasley Vale Mills Reflected

Pleasley Vale Mills Reflected

En route to a friends, but with some time to kill, I decided to visit Pleasley Vale, if it were in the middle of Derbyshire I’d probably visit regularly, but, I grew up a mile away from here, we used to go down regularly on the bikes when every single window was broken, and it was a dump, so you write it off as a location. Now though, they’ve regenerated the mills, filling them with businesses & office space, the old managers house has finally been demolished & rebuilt as swanky houses, and the mills look rather nice reflected in the water.

Week 8



I do quite a bit of volunteer photography for the British Heart Foundation, this is from the “Take the Stairs” challenge at the Sheffield Arts Tower. All the actual ‘action’ can be a bit random, and happens in a small time window, so it’s a tough challenge to grab the reportage shots the BHF want, whilst at the same time also trying to sneak something in fun for yourself.

More next month…



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